By Michael Weaver, Jr. [E-Mail | Facebook | Instagram | Website | X]

(Editor’s Note: This exclusive interview was originally published in April 2004.)

"While I'm involved in the wrestling business, the development business, the construction business, and in discussions with a foreign auto maker about a project, my heart is with my number one job and that is being Popi to my grandchildren," Jarrett recently told his book publisher.  This photo was used on the back of Jarrett's new book, Jerry's Journal 2002, which is expected to be released in June of 2004. (Photo Credit: Jerry Jarrett)
“While I’m involved in the wrestling business, the development business, the construction business, and in discussions with a foreign auto maker about a project, my heart is with my number one job and that is being Popi to my grandchildren,” Jarrett recently told his book publisher. This photo was used on the back of Jarrett’s new book, Jerry’s Journal 2002, which is expected to be released in June of 2004. (Photo Credit: Jerry Jarrett)

Recently, I had the privilege to interview Jerry Jarrett, the father of Jeff Jarrett.  Long before there was a NWA Total Nonstop Action, Jerry was a professional wrestler.  In the following interview, Jerry speaks on trying to purchase World Championship Wrestling, his up-coming book, NWA TNA DVDs, and much more.  I would like to publicly thank Jerry for allowing WU Online the honor and the privilege of interviewing such a remarkable man.

WU ONLINE: Did you have any interest in purchasing World Championship Wrestling (WCW) when it was being sold in 2001?

JERRY JARRETT: Yes, our group had conversations with WCW. They sent us three years records. We made a generous offer that far exceeded the final price that they sold the company and for some reason unknown, they never responded to our offer. We got the news that WWE bought the company while waiting for a response.

WU ONLINE: When you created NWA Total Nonstop Action in 2002, what gave you the idea of a weekly pay-per-view show?

JERRY JARRETT: At the time we did not have the funding to produce a broadcast television show without immediate return of some of the cost. We projected that it would require weeks and months of television before revenue streams began. With the PPV concept we had immediate returns of some of our capitol. I must give the credit to Bob Ryder who asked me the simple question, “Why can’t you have a wrestling company that only does PPV?”

WU ONLINE: What is a typical day like for you?

JERRY JARRETT: There is no typical day. I spend some days entirely on our construction business and some days entirely on our wrestling company. Most days are divided between the two companies. The wrestling business might require an unexpected trip to LA or Las Vegas as is the case the last two weeks. Friday I have a meeting in Orlando.

I keep a journal, in part so I can keep up with what I’ve done and what I need to do. I’ll give you a brief idea by listing today’s events.

6:30AM–Met with Jason (my youngest son who runs the development business). We had success last night at a zoning board meeting for a 217 lot subdivision. Jason and I discussed the revisions to the Restrictions and Covenants that the board is requiring. Jason advised the work schedule for today on our projects.

7:00AM–Began preparation for bank presentation: projection of construction cost, letters of commitment from home builders, etc.

8:30AM–Meeting with a banker who wanted to discuss acquisition and development opportunities with their bank.

11:00AM–Phone conversation with Jeff concerning production issues in Orlando. Meeting in Orlando scheduled for Friday. Flight arrangements, etc.

11:30AM–Answer email concerning lot closings, TNA business, future lots sales.

12:30PM–Meeting with two home builders to select lots for first phase take-down schedule.

2:30PM–Wrote letter to contact in Kuwait containing questions that I require answers to concerning deal with GWM. (company in China)

3:00PM–Meeting with Jason to plan May budget, balance of April production schedule, April bank draw request, Erosion control issues, Lot sales decisions. Our meeting lasted until 5:00PM.

5:30PM–Conversation with Jeff. Schedule my list of meetings tomorrow and settle staff decisions concerning company expansion.

6:30PM–Dinner (first meal today and this is terrible for my health)

WU ONLINE: You mentioned that you have a meeting in Orlando this Friday.  Several news sources are stating that’s with Universal to see if NWA TNA can have a location to film a show exclusively on FOX Sports Network.  Can you give us any more details on this deal?  Do you expect the show to be on all of the FOX Sports Channels or just specific ones?

JERRY JARRETT: This question is a bit premature. I’m not at a point to respond.

World Wrestling Federation (WWF) purchased World Championship Wrestling (WCW) on March 23, 2001.  (Photo Credit: WCW, Inc.)
World Wrestling Federation (WWF) purchased World Championship Wrestling (WCW) on March 23, 2001. (Photo Credit: WCW, Inc.)

WU ONLINE: Why do you think your offer to purchase WCW failed?  Obviously, that would’ve been a win-win situation.  Had you purchased it, WCW would still be here.  Wrestlers would have more options.  And maybe WWE television would be even more entertaining.  Plus, it sounds like Time-Warner would’ve received more money for the company if they would’ve sold it to you.

JERRY JARRETT: Your question is the $64,000.00. I could never get Siegel (President of Turner Entertainment Networks: Brad Siegel) to give me an answer. I couldn’t even get him on the phone. This would make some real intrigue if anyone can ever find out the “why”.

WU ONLINE: I don’t think a lot of people realize how hard it is to start a wrestling company.  What are some of the behind-the-scenes situations that fans may not know about that just makes you wonder sometimes if being a promoter is worth it?

JERRY JARRETT: My book, Jerry’s Journal 2002 is at the publishing house now. I expect it will be out in June. I have taken excerpts that relate to the wrestling venture from my journal and it is the story of the development of TNA. I’ve spent more than 40 years in this business and I really had no idea how difficult the journey would become. The path was filled with landmines, people went to unbelievable tactics to stop the effort, bankers will make promises and break them at the last minute, friends of many years commit and then withdraw, major corporations get in trouble and pull out, and people forge documents and tell whopper lies to encourage you to spend money uselessly. Only perseverance and unshakable faith in the venture make you get up each morning and have the will to proceed. Jeff and I remind each other every day for the past two years, “If it was an easy path, the road would be crowded.”

WU ONLINE: This is probably a question where you will find yourself answering it a lot in the near future.  It’s a question that is on everybody’s minds.  What happened between NWA Total Nonstop Action and Ring of Honor?

JERRY JARRETT: This is a sensitive issue and I defer to our public relations department at TNA.

Call your local TV station and tell them you want NWA TNA Xplosion!  (Photo Credit: NWA TNA)
Call your local TV station and tell them you want NWA TNA Xplosion! (Photo Credit: NWA TNA)

WU ONLINE: While Xplosion is on in a lot of cities, there are still some cities that do not get the show.  What can fans do to get the show on in their city and will the show be debuting in new cities soon?

JERRY JARRETT: We are constantly adding stations to the distribution. Fans can call their local stations and request the show. If a station gets enough calls, they may call us.

WU ONLINE: Magazines and DVDs are very popular with wrestling fans.  Is there a plan to create a NWA TNA oriented magazine?  Also, your DVDs are currently only available at your website.  Is NWA TNA looking at any stores selling your DVDs?

JERRY JARRETT: Expect a big announcement soon. A great distribution deal is in the works that would put our videos and DVDs in key locations.

WU ONLINE: The 2-year anniversary of NWA TNA is coming up soon.  What have been the high and low points over the two year life of your federation and what special plans do you have to celebrate?

JERRY JARRETT: You will have to read the book to get all the highs and lows. We will have a special show to celebrate the occasion.

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